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The more we sweat for peace, the less we bleed for war.

Motherlover Yoga

Motherlover Yoga is a form of yoga that was born out of Ariella’s own need for a sacred and compassionate practice that allows healing and support for all mothers. Ariella created Motherlover Yoga to honor the pachamama within every mother.

Becoming a mother is one of the most incredible and life transformative experiences a woman can have. Every pregnancy and birth is different, but each leaves the mother changed to the core.

Ariella feels the tectonic shift that happens in our bodies, hearts, and egos, through pregnancy, birth, and motherhood can be beautiful and expansive and/or traumatic and crushing. The purely physical changes that happen to our bodies are almost unbelievable. The emotional changes and the hormonal highs and lows can leave us blissed out on a sea of love or battling our way through the roughest emotional storms. Whatever the experience, the physical, emotional, and mental space of a mother is often offered up to others - leaving little room for her own needs. It is vital that she has the support to find some time to take care of herself, for we cannot truly take care of others if we do not first take care of ourselves.

In a society that no longer honors the path to motherhood in the way it should, Motherlover Yoga was created to help us reclaim our bodies, self esteem, and strength after this dramatic change in our lives as women.

Motherlover Yoga includes healing vinayasa yoga that focuses on strengthening the mula bandha (or root chakra) and the core, thai massage, and deep savasana, all in a supportive, nurturing, and safe group or private setting.

Motherlover Yoga is for mothers only (without their babies/children) at any stage of motherhood. New mothers should be at least 8 weeks postpartum to participate.
"I had my first private session with Ariella and it was perfect! She understood what my body needed after having a baby and developed a tailored yoga lesson which helped me reconnect with my body and deeply stretch out my tightened muscles. She is loving and nurturing in her teaching and I am looking forward to our yoga journey together!"
Meera Montan, Stockholm Sweden